Book directly with us to enjoy the best available rate and the best benefits:

Secondary sources for hotel booking practically saturate the web. However, there’s something special about knowing what you want and going with it, sans the middlemen. In fact, by making your Siem Reap hotel booking direct with The Aviary Hotel, you’re doing yourself a big favor and opening the gates to a number of perks that would otherwise never see the light of day. Enjoy our best available rate, plus additional benefits when booking through our own website.

Best Rates - Save 15% More

Let's get straight to the point. By booking directly with The Aviary Hotel, you're inherently saving yourself valuable money. Through our site, we offer the best rates on every room, regardless of which level of luxury you're seeking. Simply enter promotion code "DIRECT" and 15% additional discount is automatically applied. Moreover, it's a direct booking process, so you're conserving yet another precious resource—time. The alternative? Pay more for an indirect booking process that takes additional steps to complete in the first place. To us, direct booking for the best rates there are really seems like a no-brainer.

No Booking Fees

If you don't know by now, we're here to share some news. Booking sites always incur fees for each reservation, regardless of where you're staying. The Aviary Hotel knows this, so we want to share a solution for the benefit of you and us alike. By booking direct with us, you'll be able to bypass unwanted booking fees that don't benefit you in the least, and get straight to the good stuff. After knowing this, you'll never want to give those fees to the booking sites again.

Priority Check-in

Do you want to check in as soon as possible so you can unpack, get yourself situated and move on to adventure or business in Siem Reap? Trust us, we know the feeling. Book straight through our site and you'll reap the benefit of priority check-in. After all, your time and energy are invaluable resources, and we wanted to respect that. All you have to do to maximize them both is skip the booking sites and do your dealings with the team at The Aviary Hotel. On a side note, priority check-in does not guarantee an early check-in.


We highly recommend you to take your time exploring Siem Reap and the magnificent temples of Angkor. Not only because there's plenty to discover, but also because we're always adding freebies to your reservation, such as a free drink at The Flock Cafe when you stay one night or a free dinner at Fumizen when you book a minimum of three consecutive nights. As freebies change regularly, please check the booking conditions to see which benefit applies your stay dates. Freebies are only issued when you book via our own website.


Disclaimer: Terms & conditions apply. Not all benefits mentioned on this page apply all the time. Please refer to rate plan inclusion to see which benefits are applicable to your stay dates.